我廠是一家收集和銷售世界海域的海螺,貝殼等一系列貝殼標本,貝殼工藝品,貝殼飾品,貝殼服裝,鞋帽,飾品,美甲,馬賽克,工藝品等配件的綜合性工廠。有緣購買了本店的寶貝,店家一定會真誠服務(wù)到底的。隨時有任何不滿及意見歡迎告訴我,我都會虛心接受的。有什么情況請您及時聯(lián)系我,我都會盡力為您解決,再次感謝您光臨本店! 網(wǎng)址www.guobingbk.com 郵箱guobingbk@gmail.com
◆ 店面地址:義烏飾品專業(yè)(長春)6街25號 電話 0579-85625306 QQ1156305837 379382232◆ 工廠地址:后宅工業(yè)區(qū)(高速公路收費站旁邊) 電話 0579-85643398
Our factory is a collection and sale of the world's seas conch, shells, and a series of specimens of shells, shell crafts, shell jewelry, shell clothing, shoes, hats, jewelry, nail art, mosaics, crafts and other accessories factories. Destined to buy a baby shop, stores will sincerely service in the end. At any time with any complaints and comments are welcome to tell me, I will humbly accept. What circumstances please contact me, I will try to solve for you, and thank you again Salan! The URL www.guobingbk.com mailbox guobingbk@gmail.com
◆ Store Address: Yiwu Jewelry Professional (Changchun) 6 Street 25 Tel 0579-85625306 QQ1156305837 379382232 ◆ Factory Address: Houzhai Industrial Zone (next to the highway toll station) Tel 0579-85643398
我廠是一家專業(yè)收集世界各國各個海域高;中;抵擋海螺;貝殼。品種齊全;貨源充足;價格低廉;注銷品種有貝殼材料;貝殼標本;貝殼工藝品;貝殼飾品;工藝品配件;飾品配件;服裝配件;鞋帽配件;竹木雕刻配件,貝殼深加工等材料。 熱忱歡迎各新老客戶來樣定做。我廠以最優(yōu)惠的價格;滿意的質(zhì)量與您合為永久的朋友。
海灣貝殼工藝品廠 |