i3000s 交流電流鉗深圳市九九儀器儀表有限公司地址:深圳市寶安民治人民路銀泉花園8棟9樓聯(lián)系人:王小姐 Tel;0755-36608260 13322995520 Q Q:1990168721Very High AC Current Clamp Fluke Current clamps are the ideal tools toextend the current ranges of Fluke tools. The i3000s is a clamp-on AC Current Clampfor use with oscilloscopes and multimeters with banana input using the suppliedDual Banana to BNC Adapter. The clamp is optimized for measurement on powerdistribution systems. 型號名稱 描述 i3000s 交流電流鉗 (3000 A) Specifications Nominal current range30 A 300 A 3000 A Continuous current range1 A-30 A1 A-300 A1 A-3000 AMaximum Non-Destructive Current4000 ALowest measurable current1 ABasic Accuracy 2% 2 A(48-65 Hz) (%reading floorspec) Useable frequency 10 Hz - 100 kHz Output level(s) 10 mv/A 1mv/A 0.1mv/A Safety Specifications SafetyCAT III, 600 V Maximum voltage 600 V AC Mechanical General Specifications Warranty1 year Maximum conductor diameter64 mmOutput cable length2.1 mBNC AdapterYes 我公司長期供應如下產(chǎn)品:紅外測溫儀3ILTDL3U紅外測溫儀3ILTCL3U紅外測溫儀3ILRSCU紅外測溫儀3ILRL3U紅外測溫儀3ILRSCL2U紅外測溫儀3I1MSCU紅外測溫儀3I1ML3U紅外測溫儀3I1MSCL2U紅外測溫儀3I2MSCU紅外測溫儀3I2ML3U紅外測溫儀3I2MSCL2U紅外測溫儀3IP7DL3U紅外測溫儀3IG5SCU紅外測溫儀B9HR3IF4SCU紅外測溫儀BCXR3IF4SCU紅外測溫儀MID10LT